Neil Thomas is an artist living in Redruth in Cornwall, working at Krowji studios there. He is a figurative artist who works chiefly with oils and acrylics. His paintings are influenced by Aztec, tribal and South American patterns and art.
Music and nature play a large part in Neil’s paintings and being around creative people at Krowji really inspires him. Being an artist there has given him a purpose and direction for his paintings on a daily basis.
Having suffered in the past with mental health issues and addiction, Neil’s art has helped him in recovery. Lots of people see him as an inspiration and a good friend. The turnaround in his life is remarkable and his warm human nature comes through in his art. His outlook on life is so much more positive now and influences his artwork, with its expressive use of colour.
He studied art at Cornwall College and got a Merit. He has his art on display in a number of art studios in Cornwall and gives presentations at galleries such as Falmouth gallery.
Anyone is welcome to come and see his art at the studio, just send a contact and he will get back to you.